July held an eco-cast audition [a recorded video submitted on-line] Lawyer2which led to a live call-back [a second audition]. This was excitedly my first eco-interview.  Most actors agree, auditioning is THE dread downside of the profession. Anxiety in wanting the part, feeling the need to be “good enough”, and desire to be chosen for the part rather than rejected. Truth is, as I was reminded, talent may play less in casting than fitting the right Look of actors together, scheduling, and name recognition [a large part of the biz is who knows You].

The challenge, personally, is in the tension and pressure I place on the event as a pass/fail test of my ability.  A tense actor is not going to “Live Truthfully” or show herself in the best light.  The recorded audition went wonderfully well for two reasons.  One- a good director friend read the other character’s lines, and two- we did about four takes of each scene… progressively getting more comfortable with the material and relaxing to sound more like the voice I naturally speak.  Of course it helped greatly to have a bit of direction after each go AND having casting only see the best take. Another reminder was the importance of following instructions.

Two sides [a scene from the script used for auditioning to give the casting director/producer/director a glimpse of you as this character] were emailed to actors.  One actor posted her video on YouTube, having only filmed herself performing one of the scenes. Trusting she did not make the call-back cut, partly because subsequent correspondence included even more specific instructions as to the importance in reading and following ALL instructions as an indicator of both professionalism and one’s ability to take direction on-set.  I did not get the part in the end, the value remained in being reminded “the look” matters immensely. While I do have a tree-hugging quality (which was right for the role) the smooth polished look of a political campaigner or cop is not my “casting type”.  Thorough attention to detail is a pleasant asset, and as a said Asset- well reminded- not possessed by all.

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P.ost S.cript   I extend a Big THANK YOU to so many for your support and kindness throughout 50 posts, and beyond!