Archives for the month of: July, 2015

Katrina PerkinsAfter writing the entire blog, uploading a photo, and clicking ‘insert into post’ … POOF! away went the words and ugh, and now … about what am I to communicate?  Knowing, from previous akin events that for safety, I should have typed all this up in a document and finally pasted it in: I feel a fool. One easily frustrated at that, who then quickly closes the window [sigh] completely loosing any hope for ‘undo’. On the good side, you are all saved from reading a rant on iPhone vs. Android and the non-turn-on-able phone I have been with/out for the last week- Yeah, a whole week.  Considering this is my business lifeline, the freakout was considerable, at the start, especially because the contract is not up for renewal until I celebrate a birthday in 3.5 months, but then my marvelous mother [with the assist by my generous brother Austin] sent me a replacement battery.

Hallelujah to the Universe in all infinite energy!  Salvation has arrived [albeit three days later than scheduled thanks to the U.S. Post], but I am saved (from the shackle-less-ness-of-not-having-a-phone?)! Fingers crossed that this simple battery is the fix … and it was!  The Peace made and more easily maintained [surprise!] than expected throughout the past week’s stresses was immediately replaced with rapture for [WOOHOOOO!] once again being technologically linked instantaneously to every social connection . . . soon to be overwhelmed by the belabored, immediate influx of the finally received texts, emails, WordPress updates, oi Oi OI!  It was so funny going back to sending emails and remembering a time, not so long ago, when email was the quick way to connect, now replaced by the [sometimes] most rapid text message.

I am grateful to be back in business, and cannot believe the week has passed.  It was rather quiet 🙂 and that was nice for a change. However, back to the complete beck-and-call availability to all, casting, manager, and agent alike.  Thank you for the moment of/and return from technological solitude.

Please do weigh in, if you have an opinion, on the iPhone vs. Android query.  I would love to read and learn more than research has revealed.

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p.s. 01:42 the next day = 21:42 the night before

Inspiration. I am posting this for myself to re-read tomorrow morning 🙂 [with tea! Cheers!]

Thomas J Bellezza• “Busy Bee”

They call me the “YES” man. Just keep swimming! This is a motto I learned from a fish. Always stay in motion, like a shark does to keep on breathing. For me, working in entertainment is a constant fight forward finding/creating the next job. Growing up in entertainment “NO” was a normal answer. To get that mysterious “YES” a change in my life had to be made. No longer was I waiting for others to “Help” me to succeed. I ran from the idea of relying on a Record Label, Agent, Manager, etc to give me a chance to prove myself. It was my job to prove myself and no one else.

In life, it is about proving your worth on your own. Rise to the top until you cannot go any further. The secret is to run your life like a business. You want to be…

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