Acting revealed itself to me only after I moved to Los Angeles, where the buzz of everyone else doing it bred curiosity in me to discover “what’s all this about”?  The library is a wonderful resource for every endeavor, especially when you live in Hollywood and the subject is acting- I checked out any book: Stanislavski, Adler, Meisner, and every one on the business too.  Read them all, took thorough notes on all subjects and experiences almost to the point of obsession.  Feeling I was a late starter in my early twenties- most actresses seeming to have either been a child actor or gotten ‘the big break’ when barely legal to purchase a lottery ticket- my self-education about this much admired, and often under respected, art made me realize the never before fathomed: an integral piece of me had been neglected.

Poetry was a blessing, a therapeutic release, I began prolifically producing in the back of 9th grade Economics.  It flowed, fed by my life experiences and the entertainment I enjoyed- namely ‘The X-Files’.  One parental unit urged me toward becoming a lawyer, when I excelled in debate, and a doctor, when I demonstrated a natural inclination toward the sciences.  However, every tiny piece occurs in preparation for another, and so….university calculus became the catalyst for re-evaluation and realization true fulfillment requires artistry for me….furthered by reading borrowed books and amalgamated in the first acting school ever attended being a Meisner Technique Playhouse, discovered in the trade paper Backstage West: I knew I was fortunate to be a clean slate to soak up TRUTHFUL acting technique emphasizing REALISM.  Day one, the teacher queried where I had previously studied.  Believing it be the ritual for new comers, I shyly admitted the truth, though in two years of attendance not another student was asked.

Stanislavski aroused in my belly acting’s “poetic reflection of life’s experience”.   A fiery spirit was fueled, hungry to devour more.  I audited every class and teacher I could at my new home, Playhouse West, filling notebooks with insights.  Thus I befriended myself and the dedication required of acting so natural it goes unnoticed by the untrained eye.

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